Thursday, October 24, 2019

Loves fight.

"How much do you love him?" a question asked.
"Enough to sit in front of his family and talk about our relationship," I said it fast.
We both know each other for a year now and decided to give this relationship name somehow.
So we planned a day when we have less risk of beatings and asked our parents lets go out for eating.
We took our parents out, respectively informed them about our love story, with a suggestion, hey people we are in public so please don't shout.
My parents asked me tons of questions, how we met with the correct location what happened between us, followed by a big lecture session, the scenario was no different at his place, what I was facing the same conditions he had faced.
By begging and requesting with teary eyes, our parents approved our plea and gave us time.
So our relatives were been called, our love story was informed,
We both were ready to face questionable eyes, we both were ready to face this crucial fight.
Considering Wednesday lucky, the meeting was organized, I asked him, we both will have a green dress code and welcome our new life, he added
"I have fallen in love with insane, even at this time you want to play a dress code game?"
Anyway, he did what I asked him, yes he was the man of my dreams.
So, I was sitting in front of his family and he has been encountered by mine, I was been asked, "how are you" with head down I said,
"I am fine."
Then a chain of questions was been asked, what I do, where do I live, what I think about family and kids and do I believe in ritual fasts?
I never thought loving him would bring me to such a big test and partially I was cursing the day we met.
Jokes apart, I gave answers with full confidence and didn't let them know about my inner volcano eruption.
Even he faced few of such questions he hated alot, when these questions I use to ask.
After an hour our interview was over, both the families sat in one big hall and to both of our surprise the priests were been called, we both were asked to sit outside, by the time our future they will decide.
These priests calculated our moons and stars and they will let them know how this relationship will work and will go how far.
We both were sitting outside, and first time silence took its place in our love life.
We trusted our love and the God above, but we were tired of the war so we just pleaded, pleaded and pleaded.
I know the lines weren't in rhythm, but so was our life out of track, out of pace and searching for it's faith.
We both were feared with what would happen next, will we have to be strangers again?
After an hour we both were called, we held each others hand with a big question, " how far?"
We sat in front of our families with those questionable eyes, we were waiting for the result, it was our love whose destiny was decided by others.
So I was asked what's my favorite flower? seriously at this time of hour?
Still, politely I said, "lavender"
"Ohh, that looks good at the mandap."
The word 'mandap' changed our world, we cried like a small toddler.
I hugged him tight having no fear, yess, yess, yesss he is mine and the verdict was clear.
Families aren't bad, just situations are, we have to fight and win this love war.
Life may show difficulties a lot, we just have to be highly positive even in the darkest cloud.


  1. I was in tears from that lavender 😭 but these r only things which can be happened in a fairy tale or movies. They aren't real, I'm going through a very tough situation right now

    1. difficulties often lead to the beautiful path. lotus dwell in mud but still it fight the conditions, so dont worry things will be smooth by time.:)


I am tenacious and you are my one.

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